Our mission is to nurture the heart, empower the soul, foster meaningful connections, and provide a safe, comfortable, and supportive environment where students and clients can deepen their experience of heart-centered living, overcome fear, form deeper connections, and find their inner magic as they take the next steps on their personal and/or professional journey.
We offer
online courses,
coaching programs,
accountability partnerships, mastermind groups, transformational trainings and retreats where participants can give birth to new ideas, finish existing projects, explore passion, purpose, and legacy, create action and accountability plans, and map out next steps in a safe and supportive environment.
Your guide, Trisha Jacobson, is a certified Success Principles trainer, trainer, coach, and best selling author with years of experience helping people get our of their head, connect with their heart, clear subconscious blocks, transform fear, find their inner magic and manifest their dream life into real life.
Learn more about Trisha here.Learn more about her upcoming projects here.Check out her blog, A Matter of Magic, here.